Affirming Unity
I believe in these current tumultuous times we all need to strive to create a more peaceful world. I feel by sharing this extract from my book “The Art Of Peace” it may inspire others on their own journey of creating a more sustainable and peaceful planet.
In “The Art Of Peace” I identify 10 key principles for The Peacemaker Precept, which include Affirming Unity, Managing and Resolving Conflict, Nonviolence, Protecting All Life, Make No Enemies, Living by Truth, Living by Love, Living by Faith, Integrity of Will, and The Creative Process.
I will be sharing various extracts over the coming months, but today I wanted to address the principles of Affirming Unity. I hope you enjoy it!
It reads as follows:
Affirming Unity
A Peacemaker creates no separation
s but seeks always the unity,
the common ground,
the common heart,
the common purpose of life itself;
of survival and sustenance
of preserving and nurturing life’s
sacred seed
from the source of creation’s miracle
to the flowering of its fulfillment,
through the continuance of life’s eternal attempt.
A Peacemaker sees that the universe in its myriad diverse forms and patterns
is unity,
an orchestrated, choreographed whole
in which there is nothing so great or small
that does not in some ways interact
with the parts of itself:
that all life is in a symbiotic relationship
within the ecosystem of itself;
that happens everywhere
so that whatever we choose
affects the whole world.
Knowing this
a Peacemaker affirms this unity
as wholeness, as spiritual unity,
as oneness with God,
and outwardly
as unity with all nature and people.
As a citizen of the community of the planet Earth,
a member of the human family
united in one common spirit,
a Peacemaker affirms unity
as the foundation of peace.
You can purchase “The Art Of Peace” HERE.