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IN A SEASON OF GOODWILL PART 4:  Government OF the PEOPLE may mean Government BY a majority of voters

Government  OF the people suggests that people do have to be GOVERNED. So what does GOVERNED mean?

People do have to have LAWS that are obeyed by everyone with no exceptions. In a functioning democracy, people dialogue with GOODWILL, understanding that their humanity is inherent and their political party is a conscious choice for beliefs and civil actions. 

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In a season of GOODWILL, let’s try DEMOCRACY with the SANCTITY of the VOTE

In GOODWILL, let’s look at each other with eyes of appreciation and love as human beings.  Who are we really?  We all love our kids!  Our close friends!   We have faith in each other!  We trust each other!  We believe that if we all work with each other, we can assure our survival on this planet and assure our children that they will inherit a beautiful world with clean water, clean air, bountiful and healthy food from the earth with enough to go around for everyone!

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