The Understandings: The First Understanding – Reverence for Life
Reverence for Life is the divine gift of belongingness inherited pure and perfect at birth. Belongingness implies reverence for life. When reverence for life is the first and foremost guiding principle of living, human beings’ most creative energies are expended upon conducting the affairs of the world in such a way as to preserve life. The taking of life, or speciel killing, is not a function of being human. It is a scientifically untenable position to include speciel killing as a function of humanity.

A woman knows this as part of her womb’s inheritance. Men have to learn it from her example. This is the great understanding that has not yet been grasped on the pulses of the male in toto. Many males know it but not yet enough to tip the scale of understanding. This understanding that aversion to speciel killing is not only innate but also of primary importance in the affairs of the world presents the greatest challenge to the relationship between the female and the male. The male view that speciel killing or killing of one’s own kind is condonable under special man-made conditions is the unscientific assumption which has kept humanity on the path of self-destruction from the dawn of this civilization, for to kill another is to kill the self.

This is part one in a six-part series.
The Understandings were published in ANZAC to Understanding, Authorhouse, 2008. Find out more, HERE.