IN A SEASON OF GOODWILL PART 4: Government OF the PEOPLE may mean Government BY a majority of voters
This is part four in a five-part series examing democracy…
Government OF the people suggests that people do have to be GOVERNED. So what does GOVERNED mean?
People do have to have LAWS that are obeyed by everyone with no exceptions.
In a functioning democracy, people dialogue with GOODWILL, understanding that their humanity is inherent and their political party is a conscious choice for beliefs and civil actions.
The tough part is understanding that we may have different opinions about what is best for our community, our human world and our planet.
Democracy is, to date, the most effective way for people to govern themselves in a peaceful way.
Within a democracy, our integrity as humans compels us to understand that sometimes we may have to yield our strongly held views in favor of a larger number of people considering that something else is best for our people and our world.
It is not really like a game where there are winners and losers but it is more like a dialogue wherein the end one view may gain more acceptance than another one.
We all need to accept a different view as the one that will prevail at a particular time and we must defer to it without anger or deep discontent.
Why? Because the range of our views is all a part of our humanity and cannot be disassociated from it.
HOWEVER, it may happen and it does often happen that the majority view is not in harmony with natural law which is the pinnacle of perfection.
A current example of this is understanding that some responsibility for climate change and global warming must be accepted by humans as scientific fact and has to be addressed quickly. The universe may continue with humans and other current inhabitants becoming unable to survive with all the beauty and splendor they embrace today.
The universe itself is indestructible but arid lands may replace fertile ones, sea creatures may wither, the air may clog then shrivel our lungs, brilliant minds may be degraded to deformed ones and so on.

HOWEVER, AGAIN, within humanity itself, natural law, or allowing everyone to grow to their full and natural potential, is understood by the female as the most vital part of her very existence. Males enter the life force at birth whereas the female’s womb is the embodiment of natural law.
AND in Democracy, the VOTE for the female is just reaching parity with the male.
The female then has an added responsibility, for the sake of the survival of humans’ life on the planet, to raise awareness of the deficiencies in many of the current laws already in force in DEMOCRACY. These are the laws crafted by the male alone which do not embody the innate sensibility of the female.
Those males who have a deep love for her will through love alone, reach the awareness that the essence of woman IS humanity’s perfect participation in the Life Force of the Universe or God.
The female is raising this awareness around the globe with demonstrations, sit-ins, organizing to VOTE IN, those women and men who understand the urgency of moving societal LAWS closer to natural law all over our one and only planet.

To be continued…