Human beings belong to the God of the Universe organically in the sense that they are an integral part of the universe and can never be disassociated from it. The deep understanding of this may be called their conscience, individually and collectively or globally, globally meaning inhabitants of planet earth referred to as the globe.
Money, by itself, is an inorganic construct, a token, a chip, a coin, a piece of paper invented to be used in a transaction which is a mathematical construct, also inorganic. Money’s meaning or its value or its claim to authenticity in our organic universe comes solely from the human beings who control it. (1)
Transactions or barters, began as agreements between – for instance, two people – who exchanged things of mutually accepted equivocal value, one thing sometimes being money. Each person trusted the other that the value of each side of the transaction was truthfully understood by both. Trust is a sacred symbol so aligned with the human conscience that it can never be separated from it. Trust is the glue that binds one conscience to another. Trust is the mesh of the safety net that is the collective conscience. A token of trust implies an individual conscience, a mutual conscience and eventually, a collective or communal conscience. (2)
Civilization progressed. Technology drastically changed the nature of now so-called transactions. Now there were ‘ideas’ envisaged by a single mind, that could be materialized through technology into giant ‘projects’ yielding vast amounts of money on one side of the transaction with a single, or a group of minds on the other side. This so-called group became corporations The old adage each person is entitled to the fruit or his/her labor is in the realm of the God of the Universe. The money engendered by these now called entrepreneurs is in the realm of the God of Money.
Thus the split began between the God of the Universe and the God of Money.
Capitalism entered the English language in the 19th century. Capitalism in the field of science speaks primarily to the acquisition of money, not to the distribution of it. Money, being an inorganic construct or amoral is just concerned with completing the transaction or giving to the receiver the money with no concern for who or what the receiver is. In the past, as the definitions show, those who have acquired money have kept it to themselves, falsely believing that they were entitled to all of it. (3)
Profit-making, which may be called Capitalism, is different from profit taking. There is now a magnification of profit-taking. Money made beyond the measure of equality of a transaction’s components is not acceptable in ethical terms because it violates the definition of equality on each side of a transaction. This basic purpose of a transaction which is measured by human trust is now spinning in its own orbit of anarchy.
This means that the God of Money, that mesmerization of the mind to where a human being may choose money over humanity now has to be understood and addressed. It needs to be brought into harmony with the natural law of the God of the Universe, the Law of Proportionality.
This money which exceeds the maximum which is ultimately determined by the Law of Proportionality for each human being involved in the transaction has to be shared with the rest of humanity. The God of the Universe requires it. If we can send someone to the moon, we have the ability to produce the statistics that will scientifically document human needs globally, weighted in terms of perceived comfort zones. (4)
(1), (2), (3),(4), There Are No Enemies