Jerusalem Prayer Project Presents ‘Voices of the Peace Makers’
On Sunday, July 7, 2019, the Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP) will kick off its first summer fundraising event for their Documentary Series “Warriors of the Heart: Peace Makers in the Holy Land” and “Roots”, Israel.
The event, which will be held at the home of Robert Corsini and Lisa Lorentson, will feature film presentations and dialogue with Robert and Stephen, live music with Stephen Fiske and friends — plus special guests from Israel and Palestine, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian activist Shadi Abu Awwad. Hanan and Shadi bring a ‘first person’, on the ground account, of peace-building efforts in the midst of the seemingly intractable conflict.

For more information about the evening, and for details on how to RSVP, please see the flyer below:
The Jerusalem Prayer Project is a special affiliate of Unity-and-Diversity World Council. To learn more about JPP, click HERE.